Monday, February 1, 2010

My Major Award

I am so excited to be a winner of a MAJOR AWARD. It's not Italian, because it doesn't have "fra-gee-lay" on the box. Everyone knows the best awards are Italian. But, Japanese awards are a close second.

My major award is.....

GINSU KNIVES!!!! Yay!!! I love knives almost as much as I love fire, so I am very excited.

How did I win this major award, you may ask.


A local furniture store has decided to have a blog. It really is an amusing blog. J had signed up to be a follower, and they had an entry last week about the super bowl. They were asking for favorite super bowl recipes. They said the first 25 recipes entered would win these ginsu knives. J forwarded the link to me, so I gave Andie (the blog author) my recipe for potato skins. Amazingly enough, I was one of the winners!

I went and picked up my knives tonight, and I am embarrassingly excited over it. Amazon has them listed for $45, so they're not the cheapest things out there. I was playing with them tonight, and I think I'll be really happy with them.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

they are beautiful! I love knives as well and I think I am very jealous!