Unfortunately, this is not the first time I have washed a disposable diaper. Or the second. Each time, the diaper burst open, covering every single item in those weird absorbent beads. The entire load would have to be washed again, and sometimes I'd have to wash it twice.
I have always loved Kirkland diapers, but I love them even more now. The washed diaper held together. My load of laundry was perfectly clean and weird absorbent bead free. Yay!

Impressive!! I have also washed diapers...fortunately, none of them were used diapers! I hate finding a load of laundry filled with the crystals from the diaper.
I also Love Kirkland Diapers! They are the best I have used. I started using them at birth of my daughter due to the great value and they never once leaked but about a month ago I bought pampers because I was at walmart and didn't want to make an extra trip to costco- The first pampers diaper I put on my daughter leaked. I will never buy pampers again.
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