Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Our first Egg!!!!!!!!!

I've been starting to fret and obsess over the fact that our new hen, Lucy, hasn't laid an egg yet. I think J was too- between the two of us, we're checking almost every hour.

This morning, I was starting to worry that she was egg bound (basically means an egg is stuck, and can be fatal to chickens). I even posted to a forum worrying about it. They convinced me that I should palpate her belly and figure out if I could feel something in there.

So, I headed out to the coop to see if she was ok or not. Before I got a chance to molest her, I happened to see that she was most certainly NOT egg bound! I am so excited!

I took a picture of her egg, and put a grocery store "large" egg next to it for comparison. My egg is 2.5 oz, which is considered "jumbo".
Isn't it beautiful?

Now I'm thinking about trying to incubate it, since odds are really good that it's fertile.

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