Jai and Jody used their time share condo time, and we paid them a small bit of money for our share of our lovely two bedroom, two bathroom condo with a full kitchen. It was ON Las Vegas Blvd, but a good 4-5 miles south of where all the hottest action is. I considered that to be a good thing though- it was calm and quiet.
We had an absolute blast! Friday night, we saw "Hangover". It is a hysterically funny movie about Vegas. Saturday, we hooked up with Tim & Trish. They flew in that day and were staying at a different hotel. We ended up going to a show called "Ignite". There were pretty dancing girls, awesome goth music that brought back memories of high school, some cool illusions, and best of all, FIRE!!!! I love fire. We had a blast at the show. Antonio met us before the show, and then stopped to talk to us afterwards. He was a very nice guy, and very good looking. I thought he looked better without the contacts, but ya gotta admit that the contacts give stage presence, eh? (this is a singularly unflattering picture of me, but oh well!)

This is Tim & Trish, outside of their hotel.

This is Jai and Jody with Spongebob, at the Excalibur Hotel.

We did not do much gambling. I won around $5 from $1, but then lost $5 at video blackjack, so I stopped. Jim won around $50 in blackjack, but then quit.
I felt so lucky to go on a vacation with such a fun group of people. Jai and Jody and Tim & Trish are such fun, entertaining people. We shared a lot of laughs. We have quite a few fun inside jokes that I will laugh about for the rest of my life. I hope we can do it again.