Sunday, July 18, 2010

Further proof of my eccentricity

I told K that she could invite her entire class over for a birthday party for her 12th birthday. We'd attempted to have everyone over for an "end of school" party last year, but it didn't go so well. First, another boy in the class decided to have a party on the exact same day. I thought that was incredibly inconsiderate, especially considering they sent their invitations out several days after we sent ours. Then, to make matters worse, it POURED RAIN the whole party. Seriously. I live in the desert. We only have a handful of rainy days a year. My odds of choosing a rainy day were in the 1/300 range. But I managed to pick one. Go me. The kids were all amazing and wonderful and good sports, but we did have twenty something kids crammed into my front room, and had to think of games/activities on the fly. Regardless, I think the party last year was fun.

I figured if I let her have the party in July, my odds of choosing a rainy day would go down, and there'd be less chance of other parties interfering. I did tell K that if it rained again, I would have to commit suicide. Lucky for me, it was probably one of the hottest days we've had all year.

We had a good twentysomething kids come. We served hot dogs that they got to roast on the fire, fruit salad, chips, pasta salad, and marshmallows. We also gave out ice cream sandwiches. The kids had a huge water fight, played basketball, capture the flag, and "touch the electric fence".

As crazy as the whole thing sounds, it was actually a lot of fun. The kids seemed to really enjoy themselves, and the younger siblings also had fun. I let M invite one of his friends to the party so he'd have someone to pal around with.

M is DYING to have his entire class over for his birthday. Part of it is the funness, and I think a bigger part is he saw the MAD LOOT that K got. Seriously, some of these kids (and their parents) are so much more generous than I am!

I broke the news to M that his birthday is in February. I am NOT going to have 30 kids in my front room on purpose. He said that it could be a snow party. Ummm, no. I told him he could have a summer party. But then he wouldn't get gifts!!!!

Who knew that having a summer birthday was so much better?!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

You are a fun mom, that is all I have to say!