If you don't know what scentsy is, it's a wickless smelly candle product. You get a cute ceramic "warmer" that plugs into the wall and has a simple 25 watt light bulb in it to warm the wax. This is the one I have.

Obviously, my friends who live out of Utah will have to pay to have it shipped to them. If you are in Utah, you can select whether you want it to ship to the hostess (i.e. me, which means free shipping), or to yourself, which would be 10% to your order as a shipping charge.
If you want to order, click on THIS LINK. Along the top, there's a green bar. Within that bar, there's a "place an order link". Click on that, and then choose Wendy as the hostess. It will then take you to the catalog. The party will close on Nov. 2, so order early. These make awesome Christmas or Birthday gifts. If you have any questions, you're welcome to ask me or consultant Erica.
Once you have your order put together, click on the "submit to home office" button. Erica will send you a confirmation, but it won't actually go in until my party closes on November 2.
Yay! I'm glad you are doing this because I'm so addicted to these! Remind me to get my order in to you because I want the November scent of the month. I think it's called spiced cider! It sounds divine!
Great! I have been waiting to order one of the mini warmers for my bathroom for this girl in my ward to have her party but she cancelled it so now I can get it, I just have to narrow down my color...
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