The teachers had an ingenious way of keeping the kids together. They tied mason lid rings on twine to create a line. Each child hung on to a ring and 5-6 kids per "line".

It was a lot of fun to see all of the little kids interact with the firefighters and play on the equipment.
I did feel like a senile old woman though. That same day, I volunteered with the older kids' spectrum program where we helped them play team building type games. I asked my friend C to babysit the littles while I volunteered. In exchange, she asked if I'd watch her kids in the afternoon. After I agreed, I remembered that I was going to help with the field trip. A couple hours after that, I remembered that Fridays are early out day at the big kids' school, and I was supposed to drive them home about 30 minutes into the field trip. Oops! Lucky for me, K's best friend's mom was willing to give my kids a ride home.
Seriously. I would leave my head somewhere if it wasn't screwed on.
With all the stuff you've got going on in a day, it's a wonder you manage to get your pants on before you leave the house. Rather than a chastise, I think you need a cheer! Hip hip hooray!
I love that idea for keeping kids together. I wonder if it would work with my hubby, he wanders off sometimes.
I'm feeling like that alot these days as well! I dropped my kids off at a kids program at church and the lady told me that the pick up was at 7:45. When I got home I couldn't remember if she said 45 or I played it safe and went for the earlier time. I was was 7:45.
I feel like things go in one ear and out the other lately!
(that jar ring rope idea is ingenious!)
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