Sunday, January 25, 2009

21 Boxes

21 boxes of girl scout cookies. That's it until K meets her girl scout cookie sales goal! Her troop goal is for each girl to sell 325, and we're just over 300 now. There's still a couple people we need to visit because they always order, and we haven't put in our family order yet. I am so happy she made her goal.

I have to admit I was a little worried this year. We have worked so hard, and sales were just sluggish. I chalked it up to the state of the economy.

Although we are really close, I still think we'll go spend at least one or two more days going door to door. For one, I don't entirely trust my math in counting up the orders. Secondly, to do the super wonderful, extra fantastic activity K's troop has planned, they have to have a certain number of cookies sold. If a couple girls fall short, the money simply won't be there. I figure if she goes over on her goal a little bit, it may help someone who came up short.


Kristen said...

How much are they a box? I need some samoas.

Wendy said...

$3.50 a box. I'll call you, girlfriend. I want to get together soon.